Re~Wild YOUR Garden... be inspired
This sweet and very small garden is the laboratory for implementing my ideas, it is most satisfying when a hypothesis is proven correct! Several years ago I started collecting seeds from the local meadows. My favorites are still Queen Annes Lace and the many varieties of Aster and Golden Rod is cool too. I planted pots of Herbs and Greens for salads and added a few golden Current Tomato Vines. The planted areas receive very little water creating a "dry garden", not many mosquitos but wow lots of Crickets and Pollinators!
Native and Pollinator Garden. 1st, 2nd and 3rd years
Wilderland Intown Studio
Demonstration Garden
Bath, Maine

Creating your Environmental Habitat.
Meadows and wild spaces in nature are the best places to explore and dream of your future garden. Explore your local nature preserves and land trusts for inspiration. Many cities have Native Plant Societies and Nurseries where you can learn all or some that nature has to offer. When we take our cue from nature for gardens and we use native plants we are creating an intentional environmental habitat. The Birds, Bees and Pollinators will be frequent guests and you will have a slice of heaven just outside your door. Low water use and low maintenance makes having a beautiful garden achievable. You can have beautiful outdoor spaces, for entertaining, birdwatching and just hanging out.
Consider using permeable surfaces, (stone, gravel and bark) for any and all of your surface material, such as a path, patio and driveway surfaces. Now consider adding Bird feeding areas, Seating nooks, Dining areas and Water features which are surrounded by unbridled wild Native Plants, Trees and Bushes. These choices make the difference, now you can experience heaven on earth. Harmony is the goal.
It is worth considering a different approach in this time of scarce water and too many chemicals and plants (from other countries and regions) that have no relationship with the indigenous local populations of Birds and Pollinators.
Pollinator/Native Garden~ ReWILD Your Garden TODAY!!!
Environmental Habitats. An integrated space surrounding our dwellings and public spaces.
ReWILD is a word that I use, why?
Because that’s what we need to do as a society.
Creating an Environmental Habitat in our public parks, schools and certainly in our own gardens is something we must do going forward. This is where we can show the world we care. How? We are planting for life. All living things will thrive in a poison free environment, we will be able to enjoy an abundance of butterflies and bees. Our children need to know what nature is and not just learn about it online. Take these kids outside, everyday, walk to school, the market, observe the magic that surrounds us, everyday.
We need to let the fireflies and all other insects, bugs and birds live in our gardens.
All summer long we mow our lawns with efficiency. We make sure nothing that is living or any part of the lawn that could be habitat for our insects, is left behind. We need to be more relaxed when it comes to mowing and our gardens.
Did you know that if you mowed once a month or less with your mower on a higher setting you would enable a lawn of Fireflies glowing and making firefly love on those sultry summer nights in June and July. They’re nocturnal, and during the day they spend most of their time on the ground. At night, they crawl to the tops of blades of grass and fly into tree branches to signal for mates. Long grass conceals the fireflies and allows them a better vantage point for signaling at night, and over-mowing your lawn will disturb your firefly population. These dear insects, beetles actually, live near ponds, streams, marshes, rivers and lakes, but they don’t need a lot of water to get by. Vernal pools and small depressions that hold water during firefly mating season can all provide the habitat fireflies need. Most firefly species live at the margins where forest or field meet water.
We are a part of this mix and our world would be a healthier place if we all took responsibility for being a better citizen of this planet. I believe this approach is an easy lifestyle to adopt. Planting for your exact zone, (what lived there before folks came in and planted foreign trees, bushes and flowers?) I have become fascinated with the fact that all of our native Plants and Trees have relationships with our native bugs, insects and birds. No Joke. Think about this an Oak Tree can support 535 Species, but a Gingko Tree only supports 5 species. Planting Trees and Ornamentals that are not native is not good for our local birds, bugs or insects. Did you know that caterpillars are the only food for baby birds. No caterpillars, no birdies.
A perfect world has the balance of everything. If we incorporate this mindfulness when designing our outdoor spaces, we are changing the world. No lawn chemicals are flowing down the drain to the streams, rivers and then into the sea. There are alternatives to a lawn-like green space, that needs very little care and water. Thinking differently is a brave and wonderful experience and when we lead by example, it makes all the difference.
We should be experiencing these things, in nature. The thing is nature is right outside our front door, everyday. Think about it. Now, be your best self and a citizen of the world and know that we are in this together.
I thank you in advance for being a part of the solution.
kdb Dominguez
Garden Re-Wilder/Earth Activist/Citizen of the World/Artist
Rewilding! Gardens that share the landscape with Birds, Bees and Bugs. Native and Pollinator Plants, no poisons.
Gardening in Harmony with our planet, everyday
This high style Pollinator garden has diversity, but it also has order! In designing the plant palette we choose plants you would see down at the shore or were hardy enough to take the hostile climate of the dunes of Maine! We used a mix of Pines, Grasses and Bee loving varieties Rudebeckias and Sedums. This garden is a buzz all day with Birds, Bees and Bugs. Weeding happens about once a week or as needed. Water is less every year!

Native and Pollinator Garden. 1st and 2nd Year.
First Light
Pine Point, Scarborough, Maine
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. ~ John Muir
Features... Ponds, Water Fountains, Arbors, Fences

kdb Studio Alchemy Design
kdb Dominguez
PO Box 331
Phippsburg, Maine
Phone 207.653.9334