Bugs, Birds and Bees.
These little lives are as important to the plants as they are to. the planet. Biodiversity, lots of everything keeps the systems healthy and the gardens in balance and harmony. Growing up we were taught that bugs were bad and plants needed to look like a perpetual perfect picture. Gardens are wild and a little unkempt, by nature. The spiders eat all kinds of bugs, bees and the birds eat all the winged insects, because they are food. It is a wild world. Our gardens are nature tamed, but when we relax, leave the leaves and limit our deadheading, well, that changes the space to habitat. Easy to learn and a great way to garden. You can do this!! Leading by example, we really can make a difference starting in our own backyards.

The little bits of life on the margins are disappearing everyday. We are taking away their habitat. Excessive and unnecessary mowing and insecticides are some of the biggest culprits. As a society of humans we need to work together, starting in our own gardens. Leading by example. We need wild now more than ever. What can you do? Click here!

We have officially entered what Scientists are calling this time "The 6th Mass Extinction" up to 200 Species a day are lost due to climate change, pesticides and loss of habitat.
What can you do?
You can start by sharing your garden with all living creatures, Bugs, Birds and Bees particularly need places to live, raise the young and readily available food.
By planting Native Trees, Plants and Pollinator Gardens we can make space and habitat for all these little species in the circle of life.
Stop mowing your fields, until after the big frost, in Maine wait until early November. The migratory Birds and Butterflies have feasted and are ready for their trip south and the fields have died down so it is safe to mow.
Refrain from all poisons and chemicals. There are NO SAFE Poisons. That is a marketing ploy invented by Exterminator Companies.
We need to figure out how to live in harmony and not kill everything.
A Thought: Do you remember as a young child taking a Sunday drive with the family? I do, my Dad always stopped midway through at a gas station to wipe the bug carnage of the windshield. Bugs make huge splats on the glass. I have to say, I rarely have a "buggy" windshield, this is not a good thing. Bugs, Birds and Bees are the "Canary in the Coalmine".
Now is the time for change.
Lead by example and make sure you do all that you can to leave this planet better than we found it, for future generations. Please consider gardening in harmony with the planet, it is something we all can be a part of, today is the day.
Rewild Your Garden. Are you in?
Love Notes from
Nature. Field Notes by kdb . A series of short videos.